Saturday 14 July 2012

Tissue Issue : Usage And Tips On Saving

North Americans use 50 lbs. per person (22.4 kg) of tissue papers per year, up from 37 lbs. per person (17 kg) twenty years ago. That's a lot of toilet paper and paper towels!

Reducing tissue use and choosing reusable products - sponges and washable cloths instead of paper towels, for example - are influential and positive environmental steps. (The water and energy used in household washing don't come near the amounts needed to continually make and distribute new products.) Still, even with reducing use, virtually all North American households will buy some tissue products.

Tissue Issue : Usage And Tips On Saving

It is environmentally responsible to expect tissue products to include a high percentage of recycled fibers, especially because most are specifically designed to be thrown away after a single use.

  • Recycled fiber accounts for nearly 60% of fiber use in the tissue industry (although recycled fibers are not distributed evenly throughout the products), and
  • More than 40% of tissue products, in industry experts' estimation, do have at least some recycled content.

This is a much higher recycled content percentage than other paper industry sectors. (In comparison, printing and writing papers use less than 5% recycled fibers overall, and less than 10% of products include some recycled fiber.) 

Tips To Reduce  Tissue Paper Consumption :

  • Use sponges and washable clothes for cleaning in kitchen and other household.
  • Keep a handkerchief handy. Yes, paper that you use after coming out of toilet or to wipe off your sweat only piles up into bigger waste.
  • Use effectively. Think before taking a handful of tissue paper, storing them in your drawer and throwing them before they become useless
Just these 3 tips can reduce the consumption of tissue paper by over 40%.

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