Friday 20 July 2012

Dr. Seuss The Lorax - Movie For The Environment

I am Lorax and I Speak for the Trees

The Lorax didn’t have the joy and humor but instead left its readers with a poignant message and dire warning.

Charles Cohen, a Dr. Seuss enthusiast and scholar, who helped publish several of Dr. Seuss’s lost stories last year in a collection, “The Bippolo Seed and other Lost Stories,” agreed in part, that Dr. Seuss was not one for a political tirade.

Cohen said that at the time Seuss wrote The Lorax, it was an attempt to bring ecological and environmental problems to the attention of young children.

“He knew that he was taking a moral stand and he said, in his words, that it was the only book that he’d written up to that point which he’d consciously tried to preach and to propagandize,” Cohen said.

Cohen insisted the point of the Lorax was not to condemn industry or lumbering as immoral. Instead, it is meant to serve as a lesson about conservation.

The movie has been through critisism from logging indusrty which says that they have been reseeding and harvesting trees.

Weather or not, the movie is successfull or it faces critisism but it sure gives a very strong message about envirnment and the trees. Yes, we need wood to meet our needs but at what cost ? Proper harvesting and reseeding has to be insured.

Trees are living and the have a life, they just can't speak. We invest billions to save human lives, which is very good. But now we must also invest, individually to save Green cover.

Help Save The Earth, There Is No Life Elsewhere

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