Sunday 15 July 2012

Climate Change and Effects : Extreme Cold and Heat Waves

Climate Change and Effects : Extreme Cold and Heat Waves : Darryl Cunningham
If you think that Global Warming is just certain parts of this Earth becoming hot. Well, then think again.

Global Warming forces climate change. Change of temperature in the air causes winds to flow in different pattern that they used to follow. The ocean currents too follow same behavior.

This results in storms, tornadoes, blizzard, forest fires.

Just the winter of 2011- 2012 bought heavy snow in Europe while in North America if was very less snowfall. In most of the places they had Christmas without snow.

True, that this change was due to El Nino phenomena but El Nino takes place due to climatic changes.

There were forest fires in Russia that ravaged the country. Record breaking heat wave was seen in many parts of world. There are many parts in South Asia that are engulfed in flood while others have drought.

These change of climatic patterns will cause havoc on Earth. Imagine a place where you grew up and spent your childhood soon turning into desert or submerged under water.

Help Save The Earth, There Is No Life Elsewhere


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