Tuesday 17 July 2012

The History Of MAN....

The History Of MAN...

Did you do all the things today as you have planned ?
Did all your beloved ones did everything today as planned ?
If your answer is 'YES' then consider yourself lucky!
For most of us things did not ended up as planned. We just don't know what might happen to us the very next moment. There is one thing for sure that we do plan things as if we have all the time in our hand. We plan for the worse to happen and hope for the best.

If this is the case then why are we not planning for our mother; Mother Earth.

Mother needs us and we have to answer her call. For thousands of year she has been providing space to live, to nourish and grow up only to see herself exploited ?

Every drop of water you save in your home or office or outside is a favor returned to Earth. Every time you turn off you engine on traffic signal is clean sir for everyone and for our kids. Every time you switch off something is a green planet for all of us. Every tree you plant is a new life on Earth.

We all know that global warming, melting ice caps, rising sea level, pollution are on the rise yet we are so selfish that we ignore it as though it doesn't matter to us.

Please plan for this Earth,
  • Practice and preach environment saving tips, which includes saving paper, water, fuel or any other means.
  • Include Green habits in your daily life style such as wasting less tissue paper, turning off anything that is not to be used for long time.
  • Teach your kids about the importance of Green Environment. Help them learn and understand importance of saving.
  • In your office, start a initiative(and reward people who follow it) to save paper and electricity. Printers/faxes, monitors, CPUs, tube-lights, ACs don't need to remain on if there one one in office. This will not only bring down your operations cost but also help environment.
  • Use public transportation until you are in very urgent need of using your own.

Help Save The Earth, There Is No Life Elsewhere

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