Thursday 23 August 2012

LED Lighting For The Future

LED Lighting For The Future
All the rave now in lighting are the new environmentally friendly LED lights.

They are brighter, whiter, cheaper to run and they even produce less heat than their energy draining counterparts. Despite these great benefits though, they still cost a lot. Although, I have seen a considerable drop in the pricing of these magnificent lights in recent times.

At first that may seem very expensive, but when you tally up the benefits of these lights, it becomes evident that you’re getting much more than environmentally friendly and pocket friendly lighting. For instance, here are a list of benefits which I can see from using LED lights:

  • Less energy consumption – Lower Electricity Bills for you and that fuzzy feeling that you’re reducing your impact on the environment.
  • Pure white light produced – So you have the choice of working under a great looking light.
  • Less heat production – Reduced risk of fire danger and less strain on Air Conditioning.
  • Brighter for less wattage – So you can have blindingly bright light at a fraction of the power of more dull bulbs.
  • Longer life – Meaning you won’t have to waste time and money replacing dud light bulb.
With benefits like those, I’m amazed why people aren’t taking LED lights more seriously. Perhaps government subsidies and consumer awareness will be key in order to switch people over to this fascinating technology. Afterall, the more demand that’s out there for these lights – the cheaper it is (and more environmentally friendly) for us all!

Help Save The Earth, There Is No Life Elsewhere

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