Monday 30 July 2012

Oil Drilling In Africa : The Exploitation

Petroleum is abundant in Africa and in some regions, has very special incentives for western investment. Oil off the west coast of Africa has less of a threat of insurrection and local instability which hampers drilling efforts. This is because most oil drilling takes place off-shore. Additionally, African oil, especially West African oil has the added benefit of having shorter transport routes to US refineries. Without the need to transport it through politically sensitive or militarily vulnerable routes.

Oil Drilling In Africa

The exploitation of resources in Africa is a long and sordid history. Western nations have always plundered the resources of Africa for the gain of Western nations. Much of the blame lies not only with Western nations and corporations but with corrupt, cynical and even what can be described as evil African leadership. Men who have used the proceeds from oil and other commodities to line their own pockets, letting their nations go into financial decay and even ruin in the process. Consequently, this paper will not be a typical exercise in Corporate bashing while decrying the maltreatment of Africans.
Africa oil reserves graph

Development of Africa’s resources for Western exploitation is going to be a key issue from now until the end of the age of oil, or until a viable alternative energy source is discovered. Thus Africa, the war on terror and Western's new found interest in deploying troops into long running conflicts needs to be explored with care and accuracy so as not to fall into typical cliche and well-worn conclusions.

Yet we must understand the while there are substantial oil reserves in Africa, they are dwarfed by the reserves in the Middle East and Russia. It would be wise to remember the overenthusiastic estimates of oil reserves in the Caspian Sean Basin. While significant oil and Gas reserves are present, the actual amount of recoverable oil that exists in Africa may once again be somewhat exaggerated. Nevertheless, because oil production in many parts of the world is declining, Africa will be a target for Western nations and companies for exploitation. Not only for western nations but for India and China as well, as their economies become increasingly industrialized.

    The Cons of Oil Drilling on the Environment
        Oil drilling can potentially have negative environmental effects. Drilling disturbs local ecosystems and a spill can cause catastrophic damage if not contained quickly.
        Oil drilling can lower property values in nearby residential areas. Oil spills can harm local economies if they effect nearby fishing or farming.
    Pollution/Oil Dependency
        Drilling oil is an energy intensive process that releases pollutants into the air. Increased drilling means that countries have less reason to research environmentally-friendly energy alternatives. It also discourages consumers from purchasing more fuel-efficient vehicles which would add less pollutants to the environment.

Most of the wars and exploitation in Africa is based on control of these natural reserves. Be it oil or diamonds. Africa continues to be exploited and Africans living in these situation have terrible life. We must not exploit other for our lavish lifestyle.

Help Save The Earth, There Is No Life Elsewhere


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