Friday 27 September 2013



Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water, with an estimated 18 to 20 billion cups of tea consumed every day. Tea production in the East African Region, which contributes 28 per cent of the world market supply, is carried out in highland areas characterized by high annual rainfalls and all-season river flows. Despite these favorable conditions, optimal tea production in the industry has been hampered by unreliable, insufficient and expensive energy from the national grid system as well as by a lack of supply in remote areas. The processing of tea, which requires both electrical and thermal energy, has made it necessary for all tea factories to install backup diesel generators that are highly polluting and greenhouse gas emitting.


UNEP launched the “Greening The Tea Industry in East Africa” (GTIE) project in 2007 to address the energy challenges facing the tea companies by transferring renewable energy technologies and knowledge to the players in the sector. The overall project aims at installing six small hydro-power plants (SHP) with a cumulative capacity of 10 MW that will generate 105,000 MWh by project end. 84,000 tons of CO2 equivalent are expected to be mitigated over the project duration and to increase to an estimated 765,000 tons over a 20 year period. UNEP established the suitability of SHP within tea estates in the countries covered by the East African Tea Trade Association and embarked on installing electricity-generating stations.
The increase in the supply and reliability of electricity to tea factories reduces the industry’s energy and production costs and ultimately increase their competitiveness in the world market. Greenhouse gases from tea factories are also reduced through green power generation. Moreover, rural electrification is enhanced through power wheeling technologies – thereby improving the livelihoods of surrounding communities.


The GTIE project has made commendable progress on the implementation of SHP in selected countries. Kenya’s successful implementation of a 0.85 megawatt SHP is now fully operational while construction of two additional hydro power plants capable of generating 10 megawatts will commence following the completion of technical design plans. Rwanda’s construction of a 4 megawatt station is ongoing; Tanzania will embark on constructing 1.5 megawatt SHP in Suma once sufficient funds have been mobilized. Similarly, Uganda’s construction of a 1.97 megawatt SHP will begin upon identification of a suitable developer.
The project is also working with various regulatory authorities to improve the policy and operating environment, which in turn has fostered public/private partnerships in the hydro power implementation process. Progressive implementation of electricity generating stations has not only spurred interest amongst in other tea companies in investing in small hydro power but has also resulted in financial institutions developing financial products to facilitate loans to the renewable energy sector.


Global Environmental Facility trust funds; African Development Bank; East African Tea Trade Association; Tea Development Agencies in Kenya Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.



One of the success stories of the GTIE project was the commissioning of the 0.85 megawatt Tagabi small hydropower station in May 2011. The fully operational plant in Kericho, Kenya has to date saved the tea company an estimated US$613,833 and generated 6,445,277 kilowatt-hours. Further energy savings and earnings through feed-in tariffs will continue to be recorded at the station and subsequent SHP’s once operational.

Source : Re-blogged from

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