Friday 14 September 2012

Cold shower guidelines

Cold shower guidelinesI’ve gathered notes and fliers over the years from many different naturopaths and holistic healers.  Here’s a collection of facts and variations that I hope you find as helpful as I did.

Have one when you get home from work:

As I mentioned before, I feel this is one of the most beneficial times to have a cold shower.  Helps clear negativity from your energy which you may have been exposed to during the day.

Essential times to have a cold shower:

Many practitioners recommend 2 or more cold showers a day.  This is particularly essential if you are working on shifting a physical or emotional problem.  The majority recommend at least 3 a day. First thing in the morning, when you get home from work and before you go to bed.

Start cold, warm, then finish cold:

The most common approach is to alternate.  Start with a cold shower, washing yourself  normally with warm water and then finish with cold water.  If you can’t start with a cold shower (not just yet anyway) at the very least finish with a cold shower.

Avoid when menstruating:

It’s quite a common recommendation to only have warm showers during your moon day cycles.

Start with 15 – 30 seconds:

Start small and gradually work up to 1 or 2 minutes.

Begin with your feet then move to your knees and legs.  Gradually introduce the cold water to all parts of your body.  Some practitioners  say its not absolutely necessary to get your head wet, just your face and back of neck (an important energy location)

Be sensible:

Little and often is far more effective than eight minutes at once.  Be mindful if you are feeling weak, listen to your body and start with small steps.

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